Program Parameters
In order to maintain consistency within YES teams, the following program parameters have been developed:
Teams usually consist of 7-10 students and 2 – 3 Rotarians.
Student Participants
- Entering Junior year–Grade 11–of high school
- Complete standard application and submit essay about the 4-Way Test
- Medical Release Form required
Rotary Club contribution per student sponsored–$2,000
- The 2,000 goes towards deferring program costs and student travel costs
Per Student Program Fee–$1,500
Local service requirement
- 80 hours minimum with 40 hours at one site
- Completed time logs turned in at each monthly meeting
- Minimum 10 hours of volunteer service each month October thru
May - Any month a student fails to meet and report the volunteer service hours, the student will be placed on probation. If the time is not made up by the next month, the student will be ineligible to continue in the program.
Team Meetings (Team members are required to attend all meetings)
- Monthly for training and planning
- Weekend Retreat for team building
- Youth Adventures In Leadership in late January or early February for leadership training
Team Leader
- Must have already been involved in a YES team as a participant
- Designated by District 5050 YES Committee
- Program fee waived
Financial Integrity
- Responsibility of District 5050 YES Committe