Program Payments & Refunds
Each student is responsible for $1,500 of the program cost for program materials, the team building retreat, Rotary's Youth Adventures in Leadership weekend (YAIL), round-trip airfare to the international site and in-country transportation, emergency travel insurance, all lodging, and the majority of meals. The balance of the program cost is provided by sponsoring Rotary Clubs and fundraisers. Immunizations, passport fees, clothing, and miscellaneous expenses are the responsibility of the participant.
- Program payments of $300 each are to be made at the team meetings
from October through February.
- Only checks can be accepted.
As it is required to guarantee the number of students/adults participating in the international project, refunds can only be made under the following limited circumstances:
- The number of remaining participants still meets the minimum requirement to complete the project.
- The student is unable to travel due to documented medical reasons.
- Only funds personally contributed by the student or parent of the student are refundable; however, the cost of airfare and travel insurance already purchased plus $500 of the program cost are not refundable.
- Fundraising amounts–such as raffle ticket sales or contributions from family, friends, or others–are considered donations to the YES Program itself and are non-refundable.
- If a student raises funds over and above the amount due, refunds will be made for the amount personally contributed by the student or parent of the student.
In addition to the $1,500 program costs, miscellaneous expenses include:
- You and another YES team member will purchase ingredients for one meal at the YES October retreat
- YES team members are asked to donate items for the YES fundraising raffle. Any costs associated with your donation are your responsibility. The fundraising raffle is the primary method for YES team members to raise their $1,500 program costs.
- Parents are expected to purchase tickets and attend the March YES team fundraiser in Burlington. Ticket costs are approximately $75 per person. YES team members attend at no charge but are required to help set up the event, work during the fundraiser and clean up after the event.